Tuesday, March 21, 2006

he may be a saint, but he ain't saintly.

saint patrick's day weekend.
in a way i wished it would never end.
each day topped the next as the "best day ever." it really was.

the best day ever.

i came home to ely to find out that some crazy meth heads went ballistic on the town while we were gone, shooting out store windows, cars, whatever inanimate objects they could find to put a bullet in. i could have been scared for my life, but instead i was watching my brother's drunk friend strip off his pimp costume on the big screen at the game. i can't believe he is a teacher. . .the most influental job in the world and he walks around with a sock roll stuffed in his pants. jfh. way to go. i really hope you scare those australians.

some day i guess i will bounce back from the craziness that ensued. but it wasn't yesterday, and i certainly don't feel like it today. i'm just going to ride this wave for a while.

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