Monday, October 16, 2006

most of the time.

i hate the fact that half of my family lives in ireland. sure, the world is smaller today than it has ever been, but i often feel way farther than just a phone call away.

we are all missing out on so much. i guess i am just disappointed. i'd always thought these would be the years my little sister and i were going to live in the same apartment, have the same friends, and take care of each other. when my brother would be a raging success in a major u.s. city, and we would talk twice a week about girls and school and seeing each other soon.

i feel absolutely worthless with the realization that i can do nothing for the them from here. i feel like i am dining at a table that's missing its legs. and it won't even be repaired for the holidays.

woah. . .did someone say emo?

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