Saturday, June 24, 2006

honey in the honey pot.

i swear i'm happy.
though you might not guess it from reading my blogs.

i'm especially happy on the days the twins win.
even better on the days they beat the cubs.

and i am all over the place tonight.
my sister is coming home in the morning! it could rain and hail and be 30 degrees all day and i wouldn't care. because kate would be there.
it's possible this could be the last time i see her in a great long while.
and that hurts.
but she is my baby sister, and i love her nmw.
that's no matter what.

and that matters.

a recurring playlist keeps running thorough my head. i can't decide how it makes me feel, or what inspires the tunes. but i do know that the songs i hear remind me of a memory i haven't made yet.
it's very confusing.

i probably need help. you know, of the professional nature.

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